CRRU UK Point of Sale Non-Compliance Reporting

CRRU UK takes seriously any alleged instances of non-compliance with the Point of Sale controls which have been implemented in support of the UK Rodenticide Stewardship Regime.

As such, this online tool provides a mechanism for the reporting to CRRU UK instances of alleged non-compliance at the point of sale. All reports of non-compliance will be passed on to the Authorisation Holders of the products concerned for investigation. The Authorisation Holders concerned will be responsible for investigating the allegations, and for taking appropriate action. The Authorisation Holders will report back on outcomes both to CRRU UK and to the complainant.

CRRU UK will, on a regular basis, share details of all complaints received and investigated, along with the actions arising from the complaints, to HM Government via the CRD Compliance team and the HSE Biocides team.

The CRRU UK online reporting tool is not intended to replace the ability for individuals to raise complaints directly if they so wish with the HSE Biocides team, and this may be done via the following website: